Údarás Industrial Estate, An Choill Rua, Indreabhán, Galway, Ireland,  H91Y923.


+ 353 (0) 91 505 430

ÉireComposites Opens its Doors to Over 100 Members of the Public for Community Day

Sunday the 22nd of January: Have you ever wondered about the parts of an airplane? Did you know a company in Connemara was making some of them? Last Sunday ÉireComposites, a design, manufacturing and testing company involved in aerospace and other ever-changing industries hosted a free Community Day for the public. Young and old were given the opportunity to explore the impressive 6000m² facility and learn about a unique company providing stimulating employment opportunities right on their doorsteps.

While predominantly in the aviation sector, ÉireComposites also has a hand in space, renewable energy, marine, and sport, working with organisations like the European Space Agency, the European Union and the Environmental Protection Agency. Visitors got to explore a diverse range of parts manufactured on-site for satellites, wind and marine turbines, horse-riding saddles and more, and had the opportunity to ask questions and experience the welcoming, friendly atmosphere of the SME.

Connemara locals got to see some of the most advanced manufacturing equipment up-close and in action during their tour, and to learn about exciting R&D projects underway that are helping to put their home on the map as a hub for innovation and design.

One such newly funded project is OxReGen, led by University of Oxford and in partnership with Save the Children International. This project is aiming to bring wind energy to Somalia, powering vaccine fridges in a hospital with potential to also provide charging points for phones, internet access, pump groundwater and provide lighting.

Responses from attendees were overwhelmingly positive, with a lucky few winning prizes in a raffle on the day.

Interested to learn more about ÉireComposites? Check out their website, LinkedIn and Twitter for regular updates on projects, career opportunities and more.

Thank you to Simon Boyle, Gormfhlaith Ní Thuairisg and all at Údarás na Gaeltachta for the photos. More to come!

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