Údarás Industrial Estate, An Choill Rua, Indreabhán, Galway, Ireland,  H91Y923.


+ 353 (0) 91 505 430

Environmental Management Policy

Published 21/05/2024

Environmental Statement

ÉireComposites is committed to protecting the environment and continually improving our Environmental performance in line with its business aims. The objectives of this policy are achieved through the implementation of the Environmental Management Systems, which will outline operating rules, procedures, and activities to be carried out by the company. These rules and procedures will be designed to comply with ISO 14001:2015 and all relevant environmental legislation. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), all Management and employees are committed to playing an active role in the implementation of the Environmental Policy and to review and revise it in light of
introducing significant new materials, products, manufacturing processes and future research and development projects including distribution.


  • Ensure continued compliance with ISO 14001:2015, all Irish and EU legislative requirements to which the company subscribes which relate to our Environmental Aspects.
  • Integrate all environmental considerations into its business, manufacturing and research and development processes.
  • Guarantee that the Environmental Management System is implemented and maintained, all necessary personnel and resources will be made available to achieve this.
  • Ensure daily operations are undertaken in a manner which is committed to sustainable development — including pollution prevention, waste minimisation and segregation — and the prevention of any discharge into the atmosphere, land, or water.
  • Manage and minimise waste by reducing waste generation by segregating, reducing, reusing, and recycling waste where economically and operationally feasible.


  • Effective communication of the Environmental Management Policy to employees, sub-contractors, suppliers, visitors, and all other interested parties.
  • Managers and supervisors continuously drive awareness of this policy to ensure that everybody under their control understands the system and that it is implemented and maintained in their areas.
  • ÉireComposites is committed to a policy of regular management reviews for maintaining continuing environmental improvement and to uncover areas for improvement in incorporating sound environmental practices.
  • Ensuring that the Environmental Management Policy, Objectives and Targets have equality with other business interests and that the necessary resources are available to achieve the objectives.
  • Implement lean methods of manufacturing to ensure we use energy, water, materials, and other natural resources as efficiently as possible, giving regard to the lifecycle and long-term sustainability of consumable items.
  • Work with interested parties to encourage ongoing improvement to the global and local environment.
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