Údarás Industrial Estate, An Choill Rua, Indreabhán, Galway, Ireland,  H91Y923.


+ 353 (0) 91 505 430


Catamaran Hulls

We produced glass-fibre reinforced polypropylene (Twintex®) thermoplastic catamaran hulls for French company, 2Win.

GF/PP is an extremely tough and lightweight composite and provides for lighter weight and superior durability when compared with thermoset composites such as glass/polyester etc. The catamaran hulls are more resistant to erosion from sea water and sand and have much superior impact properties, and of course are recyclable.

ÉireComposites was nominated as a finalist in the prestigious JEC Awards for 2006 for the development of these thermoplastic composite catamarans, along with partners 2Win and material supplier St. Gobain Vetrotex.


Sustainable Environmentally-friendly Advanced-Composite Zero-Emission Boats.

The SEABOAT concept will tackle inherent issues in the recreational boat manufacturing industry, with a particular focus on addressing outdated, inefficient, costly and environmentally inferior hull-manufacturing processes that will not meet new legislation.  SEABOAT will deliver significant positive impacts in terms of industry/ EU competitiveness, scalable company growth in revenue, jobs, and a wide array of performance and environmental benefits.

This will be achieved by:

Commercialisation of the  (C-PET) manufacturing process within the recreational boat manufacturing segment and by introducing a revolutionary E-Boat design incorporating the C-PET manufactured hull into the market.

Enabling the partners ÉireComposites to achieve in excess of €45m combined cumulative revenue and 260 jobs from 2021-2023.


Reduce the cost of boat hull manufacturing by 30%.

Reduce the weight of boat hulls by 45%.

Manufacture 8m boat hull using manufacturing technology that avoids the emission of harmful VOC’s.

Demonstrate that boats can be powered from clean, renewable electricity instead of fuel-powered internal combustion engines thereby eliminating the use of hydrocarbon-based fuels, which will massively reduce the carbon footprint and pollution from boat operations.

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